Healthy Pastors.
Healthy Churches.
Empowering ministers to reach their potential.
Equipping churches to impact their community.
Engaging generations to inspire each other.

Let's Do Life Together.
The North Carolina Assemblies of God is a network of over 250 churches and over 700 ministers. We're committed to doing life with you and seeing healthy pastors plant healthy churches.
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Has God called you to start a life-giving church and reach your city with the good news of Jesus? NCAG is here to come alongside you in the journey.

David Crabtree
Many know David Crabtree as a writer and speaker. In Zambia, he is known as a cyclist who helps build freshwater wells in impoverished villages. For forty years he served as lead pastor of two Assemblies of God congregations before stepping in to serve the North Carolina Assemblies of God as Assistant Superintendent/Secretary for four years. Presently, he serves as the Superintendent at NCAG. As a pastor, David built missions giving and sending congregations. In partnership with One Hope multiple teams blitzed the former Soviet Union with the Book of Hope in Russian Schools. Other efforts and partnerships have put teams and resources on the ground in the Dominican Republic, Peru, Panama, Malaysia, Cuba, and South Africa. In 2011, David founded Hope Ride, an annual endurance bicycle challenge in Africa. The proceeds of this annual challenge are used to fund missionary efforts in Zambia. Through the years, David and Hope Ride have logged more than 7000 miles on African roads through South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and Zambia. More than 1.3 million dollars have drilled more than 400 wells and established ministry to multiplied thousands of African children. David is a native of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. He is a fourth-generation preacher whose heritage reaches back to Pentecostal pioneers and circuit riders. He graduated from Central Bible College with a bachelor’s degree in Bible. He also holds a master’s degree in Ministerial Leadership from Southeastern University. His wife, Cheri, is also a 1981 CBC graduate. She earned a B.A. in music and has served the church in Music and Adult Education. Cheri presently carries responsibilities in Ministerial Credentialing and directs ministry to Credentialed Women and Ministers’ Spouses. David and Cheri have three married children, and seven grandchildren.